By partnering with RCF, you can have access to various RCF computer systems, networks, applications, data and / or other technological resources. By using any RCF resource, you agree to abide by the usage policy below and to use the RCF resources responsibly and ethically. Please read the information below carefully. Violations of the RCF use policy may result in the removal of access to RCF resources and the reporting of suspicious activities to the competent authorities.
General Policy
The following principles govern the use of all RCF resources. Each user is required to respect these principles:
He is responsible for the correct use of the tools provided by each computer system and for the confidentiality of any sensitive information that has been entrusted to him. You may not use RCF resources for any illegal or harmful purpose such as harassment, disruption of communications or services, or unauthorized monitoring of communications. You must refrain from unethical use of RCF resources, including unauthorized use of accounts and computer resources assigned to others, use of computer facilities for private commercial or political purposes or private gain, academic or scientific dishonesty or violation of software license agreements. It must respect the confidentiality and privacy of the data (and of the people to whom they refer) to which it may have access in accordance with the RCF policy, the ethical standards of the University of Naples “Parthenope” and state and regional laws. You must immediately report any suspected security breach, policy violation or suspicious activity to, your supervisor, IP or sponsor. He will not attempt to subvert or circumvent any security features of the system. It will not attempt to subvert or evade any system that allocates resources. Be aware that all computer activity and files on these systems can be monitored by RCF system administrators and the appropriate authorities. The account could be closed by RCF staff for non-compliance with these principles.
RCF provides computational and data storage resources for the only purpose of supporting legitimate research activities at the “Parthenope” University of Naples. A user must refrain from using RCF resources for any activity other than that described in the account request form. RCF users are also required to familiarize themselves with the Eligibility and Acceptable Use of Information Technology Policy of the University of Naples “Parthenope”.
User account and password
The account credentials are assigned to each individual user and must not be shared with anyone, including colleagues, trainers or IT support staff. If the user believes that his account password has been compromised, he is required to immediately report the incident to the RCF assistance staff and change the password via the password service of the University of Naples “Parthenope”.
There are many mechanisms for sharing data and collaborating with colleagues and RCF will assist you with these tools if needed. There is never a reason to share account and / or password information.
Data security and policy
RCF maintains an open research network that provides shared data processing and management resources to a large number of researchers from the University of Naples “Parthenope” and their collaborators. Therefore, RCF cannot guarantee the complete security of the data stored on any RCF system. Although information security is a major concern of RCF, neither RCF nor the University of Naples “Parthenope” can be held responsible for any breach of security that involves the compromise of sensitive or confidential data. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that adequate measures have been taken to protect sensitive or confidential information.
RCF system administrators and support personnel with superuser privileges are able to view all data on RCF systems unless it is encrypted. RCF system administrators will only review user data to assist the owner or if there is sufficient reason to believe that there is a serious problem or security threat that could disrupt the work of others.
Data integrity and related recovery
RCF is committed to maintaining robust file systems and storage structures with the highest levels of performance and reliability. However, neither RCF nor the University of Naples “Parthenope” nor the Department of Science and Technology will be held responsible for any loss of data. RCF provides an archive tape backup system in a separate / home location for use in recovering data in the event of damage, deletion or failure of the machine.
Important: Not all file systems and computers have been backed up. Due to limited space in the archive storage system, only the / home and / project directories are saved to archive tape. If a project has special data retention requirements, RCF should be notified so that appropriate action can be taken to help ensure data protection and recovery.
Citations and bibliographic references
Researchers engaged in the maintenance and use of RCF resources are continuously engaged in the production of “research products”. The following list is a selection of publications that can be cited when RCF resources are used.
Montella, Raffaele, Sokol Kosta, David Oro, Javier Vera, Carles Fernández, Carlo Palmieri, Diana Di Luccio, Giulio Giunta, Marco Lapegna, and Giuliano Laccetti. “Accelerating Linux and Android applications on low‐power devices through remote GPGPU offloading.” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29, no. 24 (2017): e4286.
Giunta, G., R. Montella, Patrizio Mariani, and A. Riccio. “Modeling and computational issues for air/water quality problems: A grid computing approach.” Nuovo Cimento C Geophysics Space Physics C 28 (2005): 215.
Di Luccio, Diana, Guido Benassai, Giorgio Budillon, Luigi Mucerino, Raffaele Montella, and Eugenio Pugliese Carratelli. “Wave run-up prediction and observation in a micro-tidal beach.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18, no. 11 (2018): 2841.
Montella, Raffaele, Diana Di Luccio, Pasquale Troiano, Angelo Riccio, Alison Brizius, and Ian Foster. “WaComM: A parallel Water quality Community Model for pollutant transport and dispersion operational predictions.” In 2016 12th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS), pp. 717-724. IEEE, 2016.
Laccetti, Giuliano, Raffaele Montella, Carlo Palmieri, and Valentina Pelliccia. “The high performance internet of things: using GVirtuS to share high-end GPUs with ARM based cluster computing nodes.” In International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, pp. 734-744. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013.
Montella, Raffaele, Giuseppe Agrillo, Daniele Mastrangelo, and Milena Menna. “A globus toolkit 4 based instrument service for environmental data acquisition and distribution.” In Proceedings of the third international workshop on Use of P2P, grid and agents for the development of content networks, pp. 21-28. 2008.
Mentioning these research products in one’s indexed papers helps to affirm the validity of the commitment made in the management of RCF resources by giving, directly and indirectly, support to the research itself.
In general, if you are publishing a paper or giving a presentation that recognizes RCF computing resources or other services, please email us the title of the magazine, or the conference where a presentation was made.
These citations help RCF to demonstrate the role of computational resources and support the research staff of the CI&SS laboratories, CVPR is HPSC of the Science and Technology Department of the University of Naples “Parthenope”. If you want RCF supported work to be featured on our website, just send an email about it to
Here are some examples of Acknowledgments sections:
This work was completed in part with resources provided by the University of Naples “Parthenope”, Department of Science and Technologies, Research Computing Facilities (
We are grateful for the support of the University of Naples “Parthenope”, Department of Science and Technologies, Research Computing Facilities ( for assistance with the calculations carried out in this work.
We acknowledge the University of Naples “Parthenope”, Department of Science and Technologies, Research Computing Facilities ( for their support of this work.