
H2020, Erasmus+, PRIN, PON, Research Contracts & local research lines.

Posted by RCF il Monday, July 31, 2023


The following research projects are some of those currently supported by the RCF.


ADMIRE is a European-funded project with a budget of €7.9M that started on 1st April 2021 and will last for three years. Coordinated by UC3M (Spain), the project brings together a multidisciplinary consortium: BSC (Spain), JGU (Germany), TUDA (Germany), MPG (Germany), FZJ (Germany), DDN (France), Paratools (France), INRIA (France), CINI (Italy), CINECA (Italy), E4 (Italy), PSNC (Poland), and KTH (Sweden). The ADMIRE project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 956748. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, and Sweden. Grant Agreement number: 956748 - ADMIRE - H2020-JTI-EuroHPC-2019-1.

Local PI: Prof. Raffaele Montella (UNP Personal Scholar Scopus)



Innovative operations and Climate and weatheR modEls to improve Atmosphere resiliencE (CREATE) project will study the vulnerability of the ATM system concerning weather phenomena to enhance ATM procedures so that vulnerability can be reduced. Studying the impact of aviation on the environment, both short and long term (climate), to propose ATM operational changes able to reduce such impact. Studying possible new meteo tools and methodologies to integrate their use in ATMs. Validating proposed ATM operational changes to reduce ATM environmental impact and improve ATM resilience concerning the weather.

Grant Agreement number 890898 - CREATE - H2020-SESAR-2019-2.

2020 – 2023.


Use of innovative technologies, materials, and models in the aeronautical field, coordinated by SEtna Hitech S.C.P.A.' and carried out in collaboration with other Italian excellences. The project’s primary objective is to improve the quality of the forecasts concerning the airspace and the ground deposits of volcanic ash and dust, thanks to a modeling system that will integrate data from volcanological observatories with meteorological data predicted by models high resolution.

2018 – 2022.


Center for Marine and Atmospheric Monitoring and Modelling, meteo@uniparthenope. The CMMMA, continuing the aims of the previous CCMMMA project, offers weather, marine, and air quality forecasting services to ordinary people, local government, research institutes, private companies, environmental and health assessment companies, nautical control authorities yachting, sports partnerships, and others.

The data provided by the Center is available on the official web page

2010 – .


2020 – 2022


The project aimed to design, develop, improve, and experiment with a coupled atmosphere/marine pollutant transport and dispersion modeling system capable of providing an easy-to-use tool dedicated to operators in the planning and maintenance sector of mussel and fish farming plants already operational following a previous search convention.

The project involved the design, development, improvement, and testing of a prototype system, already operational, consisting of a forecasting modeling workflow on atmosphere, sea, and pollutants, according to the following research lines:

  • Extension of the computational domain of the numerical ROMS (Regional Ocean Model System) model for simulating marine currents to the Campania coasts;
  • Update and improvement of the model of dispersion of passive pollutants;
  • Improvement of the technical web portal for system monitoring with dynamic web tools;
  • Development of software components for data management for the evaluation and validation of results with data science techniques;
  • Design and prototype production of the hardware for the implementation of a data crowd-sourcing system for coastal marine data;
  • Creation of an app for mobile devices to simplify the sampling and analysis of data \textit{in situ}.

PI: Prof. Raffaele Montella (UNP Personal Scholar Scopus)

2016 – 2019.


This project aims to design, develop, and test an algorithm for modeling the processes of accumulation of pollutants in mussels based on artificial intelligence technologies and high-performance distributed computing. The algorithm will be a part of the coupled atmosphere/marine pollutant transport and dispersion modeling system already operational. This improvement will allow modeling the behavior of potentially toxic substances in the water and assimilated by the filtering organism. The decision-makers will use the final tool to plan the mussels farms' activities (i.e., gathering, stop production).

PI: Prof. Raffaele Montella (UNP Personal Scholar Scopus)

2020 – 2022.


PI: Prof. Raffaele Montella (UNP Personal Scholar Scopus)

2023 – 2028.


The Framework for Gamified Programming Education ( project aims to provide a framework for applying gamification to programming education, including the specifications, collection of gamified exercises, and software. The project’s expected impact is improving the efficiency of programming education and its student-perceived experience. The primary objective of the project is, therefore, to provide a framework for the application of gamification to programming education, including the necessary specifications (of the gamification scheme and the exercise definition format), collection of gamified exercises (for popular programming languages) and software (a toolset for editing the exercises and an interactive learning environment providing them to the students). The project’s target group is programming instructors and students learning programming (also self-teaching).

Partners: Uniwersytet Szczeciński (Poland), INESC TEC – Instituto De Engenharia De Sistemas E Computadores Tecnologia E Ciência (Portugal), Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli Parthenope (Italy), Aalborg Universitet (Denmark)

Project Reference: 2018-1-PL01-KA203-050803 Realization period: from 01/09/2018 to 31/08/2021 EU Grant: 326779 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for higher education

Local PI: Prof. Raffaele Montella (UNP Personal Scholar Scopus)

2018 – 2021


The Learning tools interoperability for gamified programming exercises ( project) aims are to provide a framework for applying gamification to programming education, including the specifications, collection of gamified activities, and software. The project aims at giving necessary software and educational content for a practical application of gamification in programming education, primarily in higher education institutions, by extending the critical elements of the framework developed in the prior FGPE project.

The Learning Tools Interoperability standard allows the students to be directed to the gamified learning environment to solve programming exercises with their results automatically sent back to the e-learning platform. While simple in description, LTI is complex, and adding support to the FGPE software platform is a task beyond the limited resources of the FGPE project. Furthermore, while the amount of gamified exercises to be developed in the FGPE project seemed to be sufficient considering its original scope of application, with the whole education moved to e-learning, there is a need to provide more online courses involving programming languages in a gamified form.

The University of Napoli Parthenope research unit runs a prototype version of the framework developed during the FGPE Plus project:

The University of Naples Parthenope hosted the final Multiplier Event and the last Transactional Project Meeting

Partners: Uniwersytet Szczeciński (Poland), INESC TEC (Portugal), INESC TEC (Portugal), Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli Parthenope (Italy), Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

Realization period: from 01/06/2021 to 31/05/2023 EU Grant: 268,160 EUR Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for higher education

Local PI: Prof. Raffaele Montella (UNP Personal Scholar Scopus). The news about the event has been posted on the University web portal News.

2021 – 2023


Local PI: Prof. Raffaele Montella (UNP Personal Scholar Scopus)

2023 – 2025